Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

ሞባይል ጥገና ለሚማሩ ተማሪዎች
ለሲኒየር ሞባይል ቴክኒሻኖች ስራን ቀለል የሚያደርግ
የሞባይል ጥገና እውቀቱ ኖሯቸው የቤተሰባቸውን ስልኮች ሰርቪስ መስጠት ለሚስቡ ድንቅ መፅሃፍ ነው
ሁላችሁንም ያማከለ የሞባይል ጥገና መፅሃፍ ነው።ይህ መፅሃፍ ለየት የሚያደርገው  ባለ 199 ገፅ  መፅሃፍ ነው።

For students studying mobile repair, Simplifying work for senior mobile technicians and It is a wonderful book for those who have the knowledge of mobile repair and are interested in servicing their family phones It’s an all-in-one mobile repair book. What makes this book unique is the 199-page book.

  • የመፅሃፉ መጠን—— 63ሜጋ ባይት
  • የመፀሃፍ አይነት——– pdf
  • የገፅ ብዛት ———199
  • መፅሃፉ በፓስወርድ የታሰረ ነው
  • The size of the book is 63 megabytes
  • Book type——– pdf
  • Number of pages ———-199
  • The book is locked with a password

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